
HowBakingWorks:Bakingisconsideredasciencebecausechemicalreactionstakeplaceamongingredientsmakingthemactincertainways.,Thisbookexplainsthewhysandhowsofeverychemicalreaction,essentialingredient,andtechnique,revealingthecomplexmysteriesofbreadloaves,pastries, ...,Anup-to-date,comprehensiveguidetounderstandingandapplyingfoodsciencetothebakeshop.Theessenceofbakingischemistry,andanyonewhowantstobea ...

How Baking Works

How Baking Works: Baking is considered a science because chemical reactions take place among ingredients making them act in certain ways.

How Baking Works

This book explains the whys and hows of every chemical reaction, essential ingredient, and technique, revealing the complex mysteries of bread loaves, pastries, ...

Exploring the Fundamentals of Baking Science

An up-to-date, comprehensive guide to understanding and applying food science to the bakeshop. The essence of baking is chemistry, and anyone who wants to be a ...

How Baking Works

An up-to-date, comprehensive guide to understanding and applying food science to the bakeshop. The essence of baking is chemistry, and anyone who wants to ...